Strawn Pickens LLP
Handset 713.659.9600

Attorney Profiles

Book and GlassesStrawn Pickens LLP attorneys are graduates of national law schools and prestigious undergraduate colleges. Our attorneys include those who clerked for federal district and appellate courts and for state trial court before entering private practice. Strawn Pickens LLP attorneys have also published a number of academic and practical articles, and enjoy speaking on topics of interest to the bar and continuing legal education programs. Though we take pride in the firm’s courtroom skills, we know that many clients come to us for a candid assessment of the legal issues their business confronts, and for practical advice on the strengths and weaknesses of the client’s position. Accordingly, the firm places a very high priority on legal scholarship and first-class research.

DowntownStrong on legal analysis — and unshakable in its readiness to take the case to trial — Strawn Pickens LLP is the small firm out to get big results.

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